Friday 30 December 2011

And slowly we say goodbye to 2011

In some couple of hours I would be welcoming a new year 2012 and 2011 will be history, it is ironic how time flies, I can still remember 1/1/11, the perfection of that date. hmmmm. Firstly i am grateful to God for keeping me to see this day,31-12-2011. it has indeed been an awesome year,not perfect but hey who am I to complain. I had my high and low moments, cold feet but I am happy and to everyone that has made this year memorable I say thankyou, see you guys next year and let's not forget to be good at all times, I have not given up on Nigeria my country,hoping the best is yet to come and to all the less privileged, God bless you, 2012 will be an incredible year for all of us. to my family, I love you loads. The remaining hours in 2011 should be a time for reflection. Gosh am happy, let the countdown begin.
see you all in 1-1-12

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