Thursday 23 May 2013

Viviral marketing- lets get innovative


So we keep hearing the word viral, these days what entails is messages spreading like viruses, with the recent cases we have seen, don't wanna use the popular example, guess it is becoming a 'cliche'.

Companies are embracing this trend, spreading their tentacles using the social media to reach a wide range of people at a reduced cost, it is what I call, let the people do the talking for you, creating awareness for brands/companies via twitter, blogs, Facebook, youtube videos, online forums, instagram, google+, Pinterest and the list goes on.

I wont be incorrect to say that despite the evil that can go on via the internet, it can definitely be used to your advantage. let's get vivid!!! you have a newly established company and you are thinking what strategy can I use to create a fast, easy, positive awareness for my brand, you think of advertising using billboards, televison, newspapers, radio, magazines, more like the traditional marketing strategies, thereby incurring a huge cost without any revenue generated yet.

Viral marketing is the new deal, creating awareness online, reaching out to all groups of people with the click of a button, people can know your brand and the trend goes on. so while you sit back while people help spread the word about your company. let's release more viruses into the world.... it is the new 'WORD OF MOUTH MARKETING'

oh!!! almost forgot,it is difficult to retrieve the messages once they hit the outside world, not easily controlled so it definitely has its clauses..... nothing good comes cheap and if you are lucky to get it cheap, it sure has its disadvantages

Friday 30 December 2011

And slowly we say goodbye to 2011

In some couple of hours I would be welcoming a new year 2012 and 2011 will be history, it is ironic how time flies, I can still remember 1/1/11, the perfection of that date. hmmmm. Firstly i am grateful to God for keeping me to see this day,31-12-2011. it has indeed been an awesome year,not perfect but hey who am I to complain. I had my high and low moments, cold feet but I am happy and to everyone that has made this year memorable I say thankyou, see you guys next year and let's not forget to be good at all times, I have not given up on Nigeria my country,hoping the best is yet to come and to all the less privileged, God bless you, 2012 will be an incredible year for all of us. to my family, I love you loads. The remaining hours in 2011 should be a time for reflection. Gosh am happy, let the countdown begin.
see you all in 1-1-12

Monday 12 December 2011

Black, White, Pink, Green

What is with the skin colour and what is with people calling some people black, white, green, blue, come on the fact that your colour is different from mine doesn't make you 'different'. I had an encounter recently where some bus driver was kinda mean to me cause of my skin colour, I didn't quite understand what was happening until some lady explained to me, well you can't blame me for getting lost there with the happenings, but really I can’t believe that people still have that mentality at this age and time.

Recently there was this story about a lady that was all nasty in the Train in the United Kingdom, am sure most of us were privileged to see that video.....all I can say is hmmm. If people can be myopic about something of this nature I really worry. So what if I was green or pink? I really can’t be bothered you know. It doesn't mean I won’t get to where I am meant to be or I will be unsuccessful. For goodness sake Barack Obama is the president of the United States, is that such a big deal?
I think it’s about time we stopped wasting our time, energy on trivial things, come on, it is just a colour why can’t people just understand????

Anyways I guess there are so many things people don’t understand, it is just the same way people fight over religion, tribe......and then the list goes on, it all boils down to the same thing. I am black and proud and I will not change my skin colour for nothing, so if you can't deal with that, then I think you got some real thinking to do.

 Let’s just live in one amity, I don’t think that is too much to ask. Life is too short, so while we have the opportunity to live let's make it worthwhile. I don’t think that is difficult to ask.